What is Play Haven?
Play Haven is a child-led play program in Kingston, NY. We opened in September 2021 and offer a variety of play opportunities for children. We value play choice, respectful caregiving practices, inclusivity, taking turns, making friends, getting messy, creative process art, exploration, learning through play, and FUN! We are not a licensed or registered NYS daycare, and we are not a full-time care solution. We offer flexible drop-off, stay-in, and co-work options, as well as host birthday parties, story times, or special events. We also provide space for early intervention and other support services to work with their assigned child and for therapists to perform evaluations.
What does a typical day look like?
A typical day is filled with fun, friends, laughter, snacks, and PLAYING! Once you’ve parked, you will enter through the door at the back of the house. You can walk right in, hang up coats, take off shoes, and then store things away in a cubby. Your child is free to explore the different spaces and activities at their own pace. They can enjoy snacks when they are hungry, use the bathroom when they need to, and move their bodies however they need. We use a play-based learning curriculum called Experience Curriculum which provides art invitations in the art room, themed activities in the play room, as well as lots of materials and resources that can be explored and utilized by your child. We will send a couple of pictures of your child’s play time through our Brightwheel app. You can also message us to check in on how the day is going or if you are just missing them and want to connect. Once you arrive for pick up, you may be handed a pile of crafts and inundated with tales about your child’s day. Leaving can be hard, but we always look forward to the next time your child will come to play :)
What is Experience Curriculum?
Play Haven is partnering with Experience Curriculum this year to bring even more fun and play to our program! Experience Curriculum has general monthly themes and more specific daily themes that we can explore together throughout our day. Any of our play programs will give you access to our themed crafts, story books, enhanced learning materials, and group activities. Play Haven still values child-led learning and exploration, and your child will always have access to a variety of toys and materials.
Can multiple adults come for stay & play and work & play?
Yes! Our stay & play rate is based on the child playing, not the adults in attendance. Feel free to bring a grandparents along or make it a family event! If multiple adults are planning on using the work room, we will charge an extra $5/hour/extra adult. You can make a note on your form at sign up. Please note that the work room can fill up, and we may not be able to accommodate extra adults, although we will try!
What are the rules?
We like to keep our rules short and sweet: Respect all individuals, respect their bodies, respect their stuff, and respect their play. These rules cover all the major things like speaking kindly to each other, no hitting or pushing, don’t take other people’s things, and don’t interrupt someone else’s play. There are a few other safety guidelines, like staying in designated Play Haven spaces, going outside with an adult, and following other safety precautions that may come up during the day.
How do you enforce the rules?
If someone is struggling to uphold a rule, or forgets, we approach the situation with patience, grace, and calm. Most times, the other children will be the ones to remind each other of the rules and hold each other accountable. Our staff are trained in peaceful resolution, restorative practices, and are never allowed to punish a child. We adjust our level of support depending on the children playing that day. If it’s clear the child is struggling to be in a group setting that day, a caregiver will be notified for pick up.
What should my child bring?
We recommend your child bring a snack (or two!), a water bottle, and a change of clothes. Play gets messy around here! We do have snacks available for purchase at Play Haven if that’s easier for you. Your child is welcome to bring toys and buddies from home, but we do ask that they keep it to one item that can go in their cubby or backpack when they aren’t playing with it.
Do you provide snacks?
We do have a variety of snacks available at Play Haven for purchase. Usually in the mix you’ll find squeezy pouches, Pirate’s Booty, Goldfish crackers, and fruit strips.
Do you have a nut policy?
Yes, we have a no-nut policy based on the needs of our community. If the needs of our community change, we may update this policy. But for now, we ask that all snacks be nut-free.
Does my child need to use the toilet?
No. We believe that children develop this skill at different ages, and they don’t need added pressure to be able to do this to join a playgroup. If your child will need assistance in the bathroom, or will need diaper changes while at Play Haven, you simply fill out a consent form allowing our staff to help. Please know that our staff take bathroom consent seriously and respect everyone’s comfort level with bathroom help.
Can I check in on my child?
Yes! You and your child can connect throughout the day by using the Brightwheel app. Many times when a child is missing their adult, or may just want to let them know what is going on in their day, they will send a quick message and then go back to playing.
Do you offer discounts or financial aid?
Yes! We offer a sibling discount of 50% and we offer financial aid to anyone who asks. We don’t require any forms or paperwork, we trust that you understand your financial situation best. Our reduced rate can vary. We try to find a price that works best for both of us. To start the conversation you can indicate on your form at sign up that you are interested. We never want money to stand in the way of playing!
When you are full, is there a waitlist?
Yes! Even if our listed availability says that we are full, you can still contact us and be added to our waitlist. We take into account the support level of the children signed up and our adult to child ratios. We do our best to move people off the waiting list and onto our play list.